How to Negotiate Salary: Step-by-Step Process Explained

Salary negotiation is one of the most important life skills you can learn that can have a significant impact on your financial well-being and career trajectory. 

Whether you’re negotiating your salary for your first job, a promotion, or a new position, being able to advocate for yourself and secure fair compensation is key to achieving your professional goals. 

In this fast-paced and competitive job market, it’s more important than ever to have strong negotiation skills to ensure that you’re being compensated fairly for your skills, expertise, and experience. I am going to talk about the same today – how to negotiate salary at all stages of your career and tips for salary negotiation. Before that, let me make a few generic things clear related to salary negotiation. 

Is salary negotiation expected?

The answer is yes. Whether you are starting a new job, negotiating a raise, or seeking a promotion, salary negotiation is expected. 100% Because most companies have a predefined budget to offer a salary to qualified candidates. Accordingly, they prefer to play around with those numbers only. It’s the same thing as asking for a hike based on your skills, experience, or contributions to the company.

Can you negotiate an entry-level salary?

You can. The fact is that an entry-level position has a particular salary range. But there’s room for salary negotiation depending on the job market conditions and company. 

Is salary negotiation bad?

Not at all. In fact, it’s a common and expected part of the hiring process and can be a valuable tool for employees seeking to advance their careers and earn fair compensation for their work.

Usually, freshers think in that way, but take a chill pill and focus on your expected salary amount and learn the ways to negotiate your salary in the next section. 

When Should You Negotiate Salary?

There are a number of instances in your professional life when it is appropriate to negotiate your salary. Check out the important ones below:

#1 When you receive a job offer

If you receive a job offer that does not meet your salary expectations, it is appropriate to negotiate for higher compensation no matter if you are fresher or more experienced. This is especially true if you have done your research and have determined that your skills and experience warrant a higher salary.

#2 When you seek a promotion and quantify your contribution

If you bring more value to your company and are seeking a promotion within your company, it is often appropriate to negotiate for higher compensation. This may involve demonstrating your value to the company and highlighting your achievements and contributions to the organization.

#3 When the job market is strong

If the job market in your industry is strong and employers are competing for talent, it may be appropriate to negotiate for higher compensation. This is because employers may be willing to offer higher salaries to attract and retain top talent.

#4 When your job entails Overtime (OT) & Overwork (OW)

Certain jobs require a significant amount of work and of course overtime in the office or work-from-home work model. Remember, employees in such circumstances must be fairly compensated for their (over) efforts. If you are doing OT constantly for more than 3 months and you know it will continue, then do not hesitate to ask for a raise. Okay?

Now, let’s jump into practicality and learn to negotiate salary. 

How Do You Negotiate Salary After Job Offer?

Ideally, an employee receives a job offer after a few days of the interview. Job offer includes job position, salary, benefits, start date, employment type, and contact information. If you are not happy with the mentioned salary amount, then here’s the step-by-step process to negotiate your salary.  

Step 1: Express your gratitude

Start by expressing your gratitude for the job offer and the opportunity to work for the company. This will set a positive tone for the negotiation process.

Step 2: Do in-depth research

Before negotiating, research the average salary range for similar positions in your industry and geographic location. This will give you a better idea of what to expect and provide evidence to support your negotiation. 

You can use online platforms like or or ask your friends working in similar roles.

Step 3: Consider your value

Think about your skills, experience, and education, and how they contribute to the position and the company. Make a list of your strengths and accomplishments to refer to during the negotiation.

Step 4: Set your goals

Determine what salary range you are comfortable with, as well as any other benefits or perks you would like to negotiate, such as equity, bonuses, or work-life balance.

Step 5: Plan your approach

Plan out your approach to the negotiation, including the specific points you will make and any evidence you will provide to support your case. Also, finalize how you will approach HR, i.e., via email, phone, video call, or face-to-face discussion. 

Step 6: Schedule a meeting

Request a meeting with your manager or HR representative to discuss your salary negotiation through the preferred mode of conversation. 

Step 7: Make your point

During the meeting, confidently present your point and be prepared to provide evidence of your value to the company if you are a mid-career or executive-level employee. If you are an early career or fresher, provide specific reasons why you believe you deserve more. For example, you may have unique skills or experience that set you apart from other candidates. Be clear about what you are asking for and why.

Also, be prepared to negotiate other aspects of the compensation package if necessary. For example, if the company cannot offer you a higher salary, it may be able to provide additional benefits or paid time off or opportunities for growth and development or it can be anything, depending on the company policy. 

Step 8: Follow up

After the negotiation, follow up with the hiring manager to confirm the details of the agreements made during the negotiation are implemented. and express your excitement to get started with your role.

How do I Convince HR to Negotiate Salary?

Negotiating your salary can be a nerve-wracking process, but it’s an important step in ensuring that you are being fairly compensated for your skills and experience. Let’s explore some of the best tips and strategies for negotiating your salary, and provide practical advice for putting them into action.

Tip #1 Must Research

Before starting the negotiation process, research the industry standard salary for your position, level of experience, and geographic location. This will help you understand your worth and provide a baseline for your negotiations.

Tip #2 Determine your priorities

Think about what matters most to you in terms of compensation, such as salary, benefits, or work-life balance, and determine which areas you are willing to negotiate on and which are non-negotiable.

Tip #3 Practice

Role-play with a friend or family member to practice your negotiation skills and gain confidence in your ability to negotiate.

Tip #4 Start with a salary range

Instead of providing a specific number, start with a salary range that you would be comfortable with. This gives you room for negotiation and shows that you are open to finding a solution that works for both you and the employer.

Tip #5 Highlight your value

During the negotiation process, be sure to highlight your skills, experience, and accomplishments that make you an asset to the company. This can include specific examples of how you have contributed to previous employers or projects. If you are fresher, then you can share your educational projects and achievements.

Tip #6 Keep it professional

Even if negotiations become difficult or emotional, it’s important to maintain a professional and respectful demeanor. Avoid making demands or ultimatums, and instead, focus on finding a solution that works for both you and the employer.

Tip #7 Be willing to compromise

 While it’s important to know your worth and stand up for fair compensation, be prepared to compromise on certain aspects of the negotiation. This can include benefits, vacation time, or other forms of compensation that are important to you.


Negotiating your salary requires confidence, preparation, and effective communication skills. By putting these tips into practice and following the step-by-step process, you can ensure that you are fairly compensated for your skills and experience, and set yourself up for long-term success in your career. So, go ahead and take charge of your financial future by negotiating your salary with confidence and conviction. I hope this was helpful to you!

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