How to Ask Recruiter for an Update: E-mail Template

My friend John was actively looking for a new job. He had applied to a company that he was very interested in and was thrilled when he received an invitation to come in for an interview.

The interview went well, and John left feeling confident about his chances of getting the job.

Days passed, and John found himself anxiously waiting for an update from the recruiter. He wasn’t sure how to ask for an update politely without coming across as pushy or desperate. You are also going through the same phase, right? No response from your recruiter!

No worries…

We’ve got you covered in this article.

You gotta get in touch with your recruiter. How? E-mail would be the best and below is the template for you:

E-mail Template to Ask Recruiter for an Update

Dear [Recruiter’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to follow up regarding the interview I had with [Company Name] for the [Position] role on [Interview Date].

I am very excited about the opportunity to potentially join the [Company Name] team and I am eager to hear any updates or feedback you may have. I was wondering if there has been any progress in the hiring process and if there is any additional information you may need from me.

Thank you for considering my candidacy for the role, and I look forward to hearing back from you soon.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

How to Craft a Perfect Follow-up E-mail

You have waited for an appropriate amount of time and it’s more than 7 days. So, it’s time to send a follow-up email. You can follow the below steps and craft perfect mail.

  1. Write a thank-you note first: Before asking for an update, it’s a good idea to write a thank-you note to the recruiter to express your appreciation for the opportunity to interview on [Date].
  2. Ask for an update politely: When drafting your email, be sure to address the recruiter by name and express your continued interest in the role. Politely ask if there have been any updates in the hiring process and if there’s any additional information you can provide.
  3. Keep the email concise and professional: Avoid rambling or using overly informal language in your email. Keep it brief and to the point, and use a professional tone.
  4. Proofread before sending: Before hitting send, be sure to proofread your email for any errors or typos. You want to make sure that your email is clear, concise, and error-free.
  5. Follow up if necessary: If you don’t hear back from the recruiter after a few days, it’s okay to follow up with a polite reminder.

Remember that following up after an interview is a common practice, and it’s important to do so if you’re genuinely interested in the position. By following these steps, you can ask for an update in a polite and professional manner that shows your continued interest in the role.

Now the question comes to mind about the number of times, a candidate should ask for an update.

How often You should Ask a Recruiter for an Update

A good rule of thumb is to wait at least a week between follow-up emails, or until you have a valid reason to reach out (e.g., you’ve received another job offer or deadline).

Usually, what we experience from recruiters is the usage of standard phrases like “We will get back to you shortly” or “You can expect an update soon.

If you encounter this situation, it’s best to be patient and continue to explore other job opportunities in the meantime. It’s important to keep your options open and not miss out on other potential jobs, especially if this particular position doesn’t work out.

What if you have another offer in hand?

What if You have Another Offer in Hand…

In the event that you receive another job offer, it’s appropriate to reach out to your recruiter and request an update on the position you previously interviewed for. This demonstrates that you are still interested in the job and gives the employer one last chance to consider your application before you make a decision.

To ask for an update, you should politely inform the recruiter that you have received another job offer, but would like to hear their decision before accepting it. If the company does not respond even after your notification, it may be appropriate to move forward with the other offer. Be sure to inform the recruiter once you have accepted the other job offer.