How to Respond to A Recruiter on LinkedIn: A Complete Guide

Recruiters are using advanced methods to hire skilled professionals for their companies. LinkedIn has become the most favorite tool for them. They can directly check potential candidates’ profiles, postings, interests, and much more.

And when they find someone who seems like a good fit—like maybe you—they reach out with a message: “A job opportunity!”

But you do not know what to say to a recruiter.

How to respond to a recruiter on LinkedIn, what are the ways to respond if you are interested or not? 

I have designed a guide to responding to recruiters on LinkedIn to help you navigate these exciting (but sometimes nerve-wracking!) moments.

So whether you’re in the early career phase or midway through your career or experienced, you’ll find the guidance you need right here. Let’s get started!

Reasons Why Recruiters Use LinkedIn to Reach Out to Potential Candidates

LinkedIn is an online platform, mostly used by professionals to create personal branding. Recruiters use LinkedIn to learn about these people’s skills and work history, and even get recommendations from their previous bosses or coworkers. It’s like a candidate sourcing tool to help them find the perfect player for their team at work!

They prefer to use LinkedIn for the following reasons:

  • Share the available job opportunities
  • Strengthen network
  • Get in touch with potential candidates directly 
  • Seek candidate referrals

Usually, they might look for people who have said they are open to new job opportunities #OpenToWork or who have shared interesting things on LinkedIn. When they find someone they like, they might send them a message to see if they want to talk more about the job or not. That’s why recruiters use LinkedIn, making candidate sourcing a simpler process. 

Ways Recruiters Can Contact You on LinkedIn

There are various ways recruiters can contact any good fit on LinkedIn and contact the suitable candidate. Recruiters can contact candidates on LinkedIn in various ways as mentioned below:

  1. Recruiters use personal profiles to send connection requests and access your LinkedIn profile. 
  2. Recruiters can post jobs in relevant LinkedIn groups
  3. LinkedIn provides the InMail service, which allows recruiters to send direct messages to candidates, even if they are not connected.
  4. LinkedIn offers a paid service called LinkedIn Recruiter which provides advanced search filters and allows recruiters to send InMails to any member on LinkedIn, even if they’re not a connection. This service also allows recruiters to manage and track candidates.

So, How to Respond to a Recruiter on LinkedIn If Interested

When a recruiter or HR messages you on LinkedIn, it’s very important to reply to them. By doing this, you’re being polite and showing interest in the job they’re discussing.

If the job they’re talking about sounds relevant to you and you want to know more, you should reply quickly and be really positive about it. Tell them why you think you’d be great at that job and thank them for thinking of you. It’s important to say clearly that you want to talk more about the job.

In your message, you should include your phone number and email so they can reach you, but don’t write a very long message.

Sample Recruiter Response on LinkedIn

Here are four sample replies to recruiters on LinkedIn, if you are interested in shared job opportunity:

Example 1 Sample reply to recruiter on LinkedIn:

“Hi (Recruiter’s name),

Thank you for reaching out to me! I’m really excited to learn more about a job opportunity at [company name] as [job designation].

You can call me at this number […] or email me at […] I can chat about the job on these days:

[List days and time you can talk]

I’m looking for a job that will help me learn more and become a better leader. Thanks again for considering me, and I can’t wait to talk more with you about the job.”

Thanks in advance followed by your name

Example 2 Sample reply to recruiter on LinkedIn:

“Hello (Recruiter’s name),

Thank you for sharing the information about the [Job Title] position at [ABC company]. I have read through the job description and I am excited about the opportunity as it aligns well with my professional skills and career interests. Could we arrange a time to discuss more about this role and how my experience can contribute to your team?

Best regards, [Your Name]

You can also reach me at this email and phone number:



I’m hoping to find a job that helps me learn and grow. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.”

Example 3 Sample reply to recruiter on LinkedIn:

Hi [HR’s Name],

Thank you for reaching out about the [Job Title] position at [Company’s Name]. I am indeed interested in exploring this opportunity further.

Given my background in [relevant experience/field], I believe I could bring valuable skills to your team. Could we arrange a time to discuss this role in more detail?

Best Regards, [Your Name]

Example 4 Sample reply to recruiter on LinkedIn:

Dear [HR’s Name],

I was pleased to receive your message regarding the [Job Title] role at [Company’s Name]. I am very interested in this position and I believe my skills and experience would make me a strong fit. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss this further. Please let me know a convenient time for you.

Kind regards,
[Your Name]

What if You’re Not Interested in a job opportunity?

How to Respond to a Recruiter on LinkedIn If Not Interested

Here are a few sample responses in case you are not interested:

Example 1:

Hello [Recruiter’s Name],

Thank you very much for considering me for the [Job Title] role at [Company’s Name]. I appreciate the time and effort you put into reviewing my profile. However, at the present time, I am not seeking new opportunities. I will surely keep your contact for future reference.

Best regards, [Your Name]

Example 2:

Dear [Recruiter’s Name],

I appreciate your reaching out about the [Job Title] position at [Company’s Name]. While I’m honored to be considered, I am currently content with my current role and not looking to make a change at this time. I will keep you in mind should circumstances change in the future.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Example 3:

Hi [Recruiter’s Name],

Thank you for contacting me with the opportunity for the [Job Title] role. At the moment, I am not in the market for a new role, but I appreciate you thinking of me. Should my situation change, I will definitely be in touch.

Best, [Your Name]

Example 4:

Dear [Recruiter’s Name],

Thank you for thinking of me for the [Job Title] position at [Company’s Name]. While the role sounds interesting, I am currently not seeking new opportunities and am focused on my current position. I appreciate your understanding and will certainly reach out if my circumstances change.

Kind regards, [Your Name]

Example 5:

Hello [Recruiter’s Name],

I appreciate your message and the opportunity to be considered for the [Job Title] position at [Company’s Name]. However, I am not currently looking to make a career move. I will keep your contact information and reach out if my situation changes.

Best regards, [Your Name]

Wrapping it up,

Just like when you write a really nice email to say thank you, it’s important to make sure your message is written correctly and that the most important information is easy to understand. You should use the correct contact information, like your email address or phone number, and show that you’re interested and grateful in your response.

Even if the job or role you’re talking about isn’t exactly what you want, it’s still really important to be thankful for the opportunity. Recruiters, who are the people helping to find and match people with jobs, really like working with people who act professionally and show good manners. If you make a good impression on recruiters, they might even help you find really well-paying jobs in the future! Building strong relationships with recruiters can help you achieve the goals and dreams you have for your career.

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