How to Find Your Axis Bank Customer ID

Hey there! So, you’re using Axis Bank, right? Cool! Sometimes, you might need this thing called a “Customer ID.” It’s like a secret code for your bank stuff. Don’t worry—it’s not hard to find. Let me show you how in simple steps.

Understanding Axis Bank Customer ID

Your Axis Bank Customer ID is a unique identification number assigned to you by the bank. It is key to accessing various banking services and is essential for online transactions, account inquiries, and more.

Many users wonder, “How do I know my Axis Bank Customer ID?” The good news is, that uncovering this mystery is simpler than you might think.

Why do you need a Customer ID?

Certainly! The Customer ID serves as a crucial identifier in the banking system, offering various benefits and playing an important role in ensuring secure and efficient banking services.

Here are some key reasons why someone might need their Axis Bank Customer ID:

  1. Online Banking Access:
    • The Customer ID is essential for logging into Axis Bank’s online banking portals, including internet banking and mobile apps. It acts as a unique identifier, allowing customers to securely access and manage their accounts from the convenience of their devices.
  2. Transaction Verification:
    • When conducting online transactions, the Customer ID is often required to verify and authenticate the user. This adds an extra layer of security, ensuring that only authorized individuals have access to perform financial transactions.
  3. Account Information:
    • Access to detailed account information, such as balance inquiries, transaction history, and account statements, is facilitated through the Customer ID. Users can stay informed about their financial activities and monitor their accounts regularly.
  4. Customer Support Interaction:
    • When reaching out to customer support through helpline services, providing the Customer ID helps the bank’s representatives quickly locate and assist with specific account-related queries. It streamlines the communication process and ensures personalized assistance.
  5. Service Requests:
    • Many service requests, such as applying for loans, credit cards, or other banking products, require the inclusion of the Customer ID. This ensures that the bank can associate the request with the correct account and offer a tailored and efficient service.
  6. Security Measures:
    • The Customer ID contributes to the overall security of the banking system. By using a unique identifier for each customer, Axis Bank can safeguard account information, reducing the risk of unauthorized access and fraudulent activities.
  7. SMS Banking Services:
    • For those who prefer simple and quick interactions, SMS banking services often require the inclusion of the Customer ID. Users can send text messages to the bank’s designated number to receive account information or perform basic transactions.

Ways to find your Axis Bank Customer ID:

Internet Banking Portal:

The most straightforward way to find your Axis Bank Customer ID is through the bank’s official Internet Banking portal. Follow these steps:

  • Log in to your Axis Bank Internet Banking account.

  • Navigate to the account summary or profile section.

  • Look for the Customer ID field; your unique identification number should be displayed there.
Pro Tip: Make sure your internet connection is stable to avoid any interruptions during the process.

Axis Mobile App:

If you prefer the convenience of accessing your banking information on the go, the Axis Mobile App is your go-to solution. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Open the Axis Mobile App on your smartphone.

  • Log in using your credentials.

  • Explore the menu options and locate the profile or account settings.

  • Your Customer ID should be visible in this section.
Pro Tip: Ensure that you have the latest version of the app installed for optimal performance.

Cheque Book or Passbook:

Another traditional yet effective method to find your Customer ID is by referring to your Axis Bank chequebook or passbook. Follow these steps:

  • Get your chequebook or passbook.
  • Look for a series of numbers at the beginning or end of the book; this is likely your Customer ID.

Pro Tip: Keep your chequebook or passbook in a secure place to avoid misplacement.

SMS Banking:

Axis Bank also provides an SMS banking service that can help you retrieve your Customer ID. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Send an SMS to the designated Axis Bank number requesting your Customer ID.

  • You will receive a response containing your Customer ID shortly.
Pro Tip: Ensure that you send the SMS from the mobile number linked to your Axis Bank account.

Customer Care Helpline:

If all else fails or if you’re facing issues with the aforementioned methods, don’t hesitate to reach out to Axis Bank’s customer care helpline. The bank’s representatives will guide you through the process and assist you in retrieving your Customer ID.

Pro Tip: Have your account details and identification information ready when contacting customer care for a smoother experience.

By the way, if you’re also into Jio Fiber and wondering about your Service ID, check out our guide on How to Find Jio Fiber Service ID — it’s another handy piece to have in your digital toolkit.


There you have it! Finding your Axis Bank Customer ID is a breeze, right? Whether you’re using the internet, the mobile app, your chequebook, a simple text, or just giving them a call, your Customer ID is waiting for you.

Once you have it, you can unlock a whole world of possibilities with your bank. So, go ahead, follow the steps, and enjoy your hassle-free banking experience! Happy banking!