How To Sort Gmail by Date Oldest (Quick Tip)

Are you tired of scrolling through your endless Gmail inbox to find that one email from ages ago?

Are you someone who constantly receives a lot of emails on a daily basis?

If so, you may have noticed that Gmail, by default, displays the 50 most recent emails you’ve received in your inbox. This approach works perfectly for daily tasks where the most recent emails take priority.

However, when it comes to working on older emails, moving to each page can be time-consuming and not feasible. But don’t worry, because Gmail has a feature that lets you organize your emails by when they were sent, saving you from having to flip through pages.

Additionally, this function is applicable to all inboxes, including the main inbox, dispatched items, and promotions.

In today’s post, I’ve got a quick tip for you on how to sort Gmail by date, specifically by showing the oldest emails first.

Here is how to make advantage of this function – Gmail sort by date

  • Step 1: Open your Gmail account and click on the “All Mail” option in the left-hand sidebar.
  • Step 2: At the top of the screen, click on the “Sort by” button which has the choices “Newest” and “Oldest” on it. Hover your mouse pointer over the message count in the top right corner of the inbox while it is open.
  • Step 3: Select “Oldest” from the drop-down menu. It is frequently helpful to start with the oldest email while navigating through an email list. To accomplish this, click on the email count and choose “Oldest.”

That’s it!

This feature will also make it simpler for you to view older unread emails first if you have a well-organized Gmail inbox with inbox-zero achieved and receive hundreds of emails daily.

Your inbox will now display the oldest emails first, making it easy to find and access older messages.

If you want to switch back to the default display order, simply click on the “Sort by” button again and select “Newest” from the drop-down menu.

In conclusion, sorting your Gmail by date oldest is a great way to stay organized and save time. With just a few clicks, you can access those older emails you need without having to scroll through pages of newer messages. So, go ahead and give this quick tip a try, and see how much more efficient your inbox can be!

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